Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Blissful changes!

DBYT is known for 2 things: accessories & stationery. Most people who happen upon our site have done so because of a google search for birdcage veils, or manzanita... while others who come to our site do so because of a referral from a previous client, a friend, or loving family member. Our stationery just doesn't even make a tiny ripple in the gigantic ocean that is google. However, despite all that, our stationery is a hit! Our workload in the first few months of 2010 is triple what it was in 2009, and it's only going to get busier.

That being said, we've decided to change things up around here.

how so? Well, I (Laurie) have decided to set up my own popstand and expand our stationery line. I'm so excited!! I went to the National Stationery Show in NYC this week (i just finished unpacking), and i swear — i barely slept a wink. Here are some changes that you should all expect to see in the coming months:

• the introduction of the 2010/2011 collection of wedding stationery — Brides will now be able to choose from a selection of the most popular styles of invitations, in colours forecasted to be popular in 2011.
• get ready for it ladies, we're going to start to offer LETTERPRESS INVITATIONS. yes, i said the L word. for those of you who don't know what letterpress is, stay tuned — i'll be blogging about it soon enough.
• an assortment of wedding favours brought to you by awesome companies like weddingstar, kate aspen, and event blossom — no more repeats of past wedding favours with the huge assortment you'll be able to find here!
• an assortment of simpler invitations especially for those brides who don't necessarily want to break the bank on their stationery (don't hold me to it, but i'm working on getting it to be less than $5)
• awesome paper goods and gifts (stuff that has nothing to do with weddings).

Now, for my readers who were paying attention and are at the edge of their seats — you're wondering where the heck all this is going to happen, right?

Drumroll please....


Ok don't go now, it's not up yet. in fact, i don't even have my splash page ready. however, i've begun moving my blog posts over to the new blog (www.paperbliss.ca/blog) and will be double-posting until i start seeing some consistent traffic there.

Oh, and i'm really going to make an effort to be more conscious of my social networking ... that means twitter, facebook, and blgoging. just don't expect a novel every day. i'll be too busy letterpressing.

(is anyone else excited about letterpress like i am?)

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